Prof. Wenlong Li

Prof. Wenlong Li


Prof. Wenlong Li, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

(distinguished professor of Jiang Scholars of the Minister of Education)

李文龙,教授,华中科技大学(长江学 者特聘教授)

Li Wenlong is a professor and doctoral supervisor of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, a distinguished professor of Jiang Scholars of the Minister of Education, and an excellent scientific and technological worker in Wuhan. He has been deputy editor of JAMST, young editorial board member of CJA, editorial board member of Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology, and Editorial Board member of Mechanical Science and Technology. His main research direction is 3D vision measurement and robot technology. He has finished a number of national 973 project, NSFC Funds and key research projects of aviation/nuclear enterprises. He has published more than 60 papers, 3 books, and 60 invention patents, won the first prize of technical invention of the Ministry of Education and the special prize of mechanical industry technology invention. The research results have been successfully applied in the precision detection and robot machining of large complex parts.

李文龙,华中科技大学教授、博导,教育部长江学者特聘教授、武汉市优秀科技工作者。长期担任《JAMST》副主编、《CJA》青年编委、《航空制造技术》编委、《机械科学与技术编委》等。主要研究方向为三维视觉测量与机器人技术,主持国家973子课题、国基金共融机器人重大研究计划/面上项目、航空核电技术攻关项目等多项,在机械工程学报、IEEE Robotics/Mechatronics等发表论文60余篇,编写著作3部,授权发明专利著作权60余项,获教育部技术发明一等奖、机械工业技术发明特等奖等多项,研究成果在航空、核电、汽车等领域大型复杂零件精密检测与机器人加工中成功应用。